Witcan Castings

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The Witcan Ritual Casting and Dismissal of the Quarters

Circle casting for Witcan Ritual
Based on the Heretical Tradition's Widdershins Paradigm

A Note For Wiccans: This casting has been in use for over a decade by the covens and pagan workshops I have led. It was originally written and employed using the Wiccan Deosil Paradigm and was a perrennial favorite among all of us who, at the time, considered ourselves Wiccan. Feel free to copy/paste the Watchtowers/directions back into deosil order (E-N-W-S) and use the text for your own purposes if you like.

To my students: Please study and make note of all the references within the text.



I am________________
Daughter/Son of Brigit (Persephone)
I stand in the East
And I am filled with intentful purpose

By the words I speak        
My Will vibrate            
Through time and dimension    
I call the Eastern gate

This conscious form
Now a conduit link
Between the Worlds
I traverse the Brink

Return and turn
I hold the Key
Air, Cosmos and Childe
We summon Thee!

Behold Beloved!
East Has Come!
Hail and Welcome!

Hail and Welcome!

I am________________
Daughter/Son of Cailleach (Hecate)
I stand in the North
And I am filled with intentful purpose

By the deeds I do
My body resonate
From beyond the Tangible
I call the Northern Gate

This physical form
Now a conduit link
Between the Worlds
I traverse the Brink

Return and turn
I hold the Key
Matter, Earth and Crone
We summon thee!

Behold Beloved!
North Has Come!
Hail and Welcome!

Hail and Welcome!

I am________________
Daughter/Son of Ceridwen (Hera/Hestia)
I stand in the West
And I am filled with intentful purpose

By the emotion I feel
My love vibrate
From beyond the Mysteries
I call the Western Gate

This sentient form
Now a conduit link
Between the Worlds
I traverse the Brink

Return and turn
I hold the Key
Water, Moon and Mother
We summon Thee!

Behold Beloved!
West Has Come!
Hail and Welcome!

Hail and Welcome!

I am________________
Daughter/Son of Arianrhod (Artemis)
I stand in the South
And I am filled with intentful purpose

By the Essence I exude
My soul vibrate
Across the veil
I call the Southern Gate

This spiritual form
Now a conduit link
Between the Worlds
I traverse the Brink

Return and turn
I hold the Key
Fire, Sun and Maiden
We summon thee!

Behold Beloved!
South Has Come!
Hail and Welcome!

Hail and Welcome!

I am________________
Son/Daughter of Cernunnos (Dyonysus)
I come forth from the Dark Kingdom
And stand in the light
And I am filled with intentful purpose.

By storm and by doldrum
By soil and by wood
By corn and by grape
By horn and by hoof

In the realms of the Old Ones
From the shores of Fey Seas
Stag King and Dark Lord
We summon Thee!

Behold Beloved!
The God Has Come!
Hail and Welcome!

Hail and Welcome!

I am________________
Daughter/Son of the All
I stand in the Center
And I am filled with intentful purpose

By everything that I am
By my Being’s resonation
From the Totality of the Everything
I call the Source of Creation

This unified form
Now a conduit link
Between the Worlds
I traverse the brink

Return and turn
I hold the Key
Universal Aspects
We summon Thee!

Behold Beloved!
Center Has Come!
Hail and Welcome!

Hail and Welcome!

The Great Circle is Cast               
The God and Goddess dwell here           
For when we remember
They draw ever near   

So was it once
So is it now
So shall it ever
So Mote It Be!

We are the Witches
What we do here tonight is Witches’ Work
As Above, So Below!

As Above, So Below!


As I turn to the East, I call out...
Farewell, Watchtower of the East
Farewell, Brigit, (Persephone)
We give thanks for your presence and ask for your blessings

Stay if you will,
Leave if you must,
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!

Bid Adieu Beloved!
East has retreated!
Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

As I turn to the North, I call out...
Farewell, Watchtower of the North
Farewell, Cailleach (Hecate)
We give thanks for your presence and ask for your blessings

Stay if you will
Leave if you must
Merry Meet!
Merry Part!
And Merry Meet Again!

Bid Adieu, Beloved!
North has retreated!
Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

As I turn to the West, I call out...
Farewell, Watchtower of the West
Farewell, Ceridwen, (Hestia)
We give thanks for your presence and ask for your blessings

Stay if you will,
Leave if you must,
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!

Bid Adieu Beloved!
West has retreated!
Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

As I turn to the South, I call out...
Farewell, Watchtower of the South
Farewell, Arianrhod, (Artemis)
We give thanks for your presence and ask for your blessings

Stay if you will,
Leave if you must,
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!

Bid Adieu Beloved!
South has retreated!
Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

As I turn to the Sun’s warmth, I call out...
Farewell, Stag King
Farewell, Dark Lord,
We give thanks for your presence and ask for your blessings.

Stay if you will,
Leave if you must,
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!

Bid Adieu Beloved!
The God has retreated!
Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

As I turn to the Center, I call out...
Farewell, Universal Aspects
We give thanks for your presence and ask for your blessings

Stay if you will,
Leave if you must,
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!

Bid Adieu Beloved!
Center has retreated!
Hail and Farewell!

Hail and Farewell!

The Great Circle is uncast
The Goddess has moved on
The Portals are closed
And the God has withdrawn

So was it once
So is it now
So shall it ever
So mote it be!





“Circle” Casting for Witcan Spellcraft
Based on the Heretical Tradition's Spiral & Widdershins Paradigms

A lonely traveler
From the East, am I
The Land of Naught
I turn left by

Out of Nothing
To the North I go
Through the Land of Deeds
My work to know

Having toiled
The West now calls
In the Land of Solace
My hurts, recall

My heart I’ve soothed
So to South with me
In the Land of Requests
My cause to plea

The spirit hears
So I return to East
In the Land of Insight
I perceive my needs

I see what’s required
And North's ahead
In the Land of Acceptance
I release my dread

Prepared by trial
I make for West
In the Land of Gratitude
My fear’s at rest

No longer hungry
South calls my name
In the Land of Humbleness
My due to claim

To East and out
The Spiral flows
And on and on
The cycle goes

Witcan spellcasting does not call for a dismissal of a "Circle". We cast spirals when crafting spells and we don't undo the spell as it leaves, but rather "go around" twice to boost our intent on its way. Closing Circle implies that there are static doorways into the unseen realms and this is just not so, according to my findings (ILW). At any rate, it is not productive to "open doors" with the intent of asking energy to flow between the realms, only to slam those doors shut shortly afterward.  

It is suggested that the solitary practitioner (Witcan Magick is generally not a group event and when it is, the intent is so effectively watered down that the Ritual Casting at the top of this page will suffice) recite the Spiral Casting over a period of time until intent is sharpened and the voices of each Element of Self is sure to have been given equal time. Please review the Elements of Self and the Witcan Widdershins Magickal Paradigm before experimenting with Spiral Casting. Your results will be much improved if you do.

My students are obviously expected to study the language in Spiral Casting and take note of the many references within the text. HINT: Spiral Casting can act as Cliff Notes for learning the Elements of Self.

Good Casting and Blessed Be!

Ly. Leananshae